4 New York-based Clean Rite Centers in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens, hosted Free Laundry and Literacy Day events on Monday, October 10, in partnership with the LaundryCares Foundation. Guests enjoyed complimentary laundry services and cleaning products, fun activities for children and adults, and free meal boxes donated by ESD® Payment Systems for Vended Laundry Equipment. There was no limit to the amount of clothing and linens that guests laundered for free!
Participating Clean Rite Center laundromat locations included:
- 8905 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11236
- 314 McDonald Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218
- 50-14 Roosevelt Ave, Queens, NY 11377
- 1240 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY 10460
“The community came out in droves. Over 500 customers joined us on this very special day,” said Alex Weiss, owner of Laundry Capital Co. LLC, the parent company of Clean Rite. “Our Free Laundry and Literacy Day is one way we give back to our customers and express our thanks for their patronage over the years.”

At the participating Clean Rite Centers there are “Family Read, Play, Learn” spaces designed to build language and learning skills in comfortable, engaging, language-rich environments. The “Family Read, Play, Learn” spaces are part of an initiative of the LaundryCares Foundation and Too Small to Fail to help support young children’s early language development.
Event partners included librarians from the New York Public Library, who provided interactive literacy activities and educational resources for families. Children played educational games, participates in reading activities, and received a free book from Scholastic to take home with them.
Qualitas of Life Foundation offered financial literacy education for adults including lessons on using online banking, opening bank accounts, and protecting finances to foster financial stability. Event guests had the opportunity to sign up for Qualitas digital programs which enabled them to access accounts remotely, making it convenient to stay on top of finances from the comfort of home or at Clean Rite Center locations while laundering clothing. Qualitas is a non-profit organization that provides financial education to Hispanic individuals and their families so they can plan for a better tomorrow.